
Tentang Ajie

Kenalan yuuk

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Welcome to Ajie Wibowo Homepage

a real friend is more worth than everythings........

Percaya nggak kalo seorang teman yang benar-benar teman itu bisa lebih berharga dari isi seluruh dunia...... cause I feel it like that..... ^_^

Ajie Wibowo
kaget yah.......

Halo halo........... Kenalan yuuk..........

Pokoknya gue orangnya baek deh...... nggak pernah ngegigit...(emangnya vampir... :)

Thanx For Visiting My Homepage and Plzzz.... Don't Forget to Write on My Guest Book !
Come Again Will Ya.......

Kirimin Ajie Email !
Liat Kebawah !!!

Terbukti khan kalo kasih sayang itu Nomer Satu !!! Spesies Nomer Dua !!!

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